"Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers." Proverbs XVII.6

This is a family history website for the Barber and Taylor families who migrated from England to Australia in 1948 and 1950 and is the result of over 40 years of research. However, there is much more, as my interests have extended into wills and surname studies in East Sussex - a quick look at the Publications page will illustrate. Over 22,000 people are presented here, many connected in large trees located in Sussex and Kent. These trees are mostly presented in the Charts menu on the left. If you have a Sussex surname in your tree try using the Surname Index for starters.
I welcome contact from fellow researchers with new information, differing views or conclusions and corrections. I would like to think that my work has been well researched but, just like Mulder on the X-Files, I am still seeking the truth after all these years!
A feature of my research in recent times has been to thoroughly research particular surnames in East Sussex. These have their own pages and can be accessed from the menu on the left. This work often involves transcribing all known wills and administartions for that surname in East Sussex and developing the associated family trees which are all on the website. All this would not be possible without the work done by the Sussex Family History Group in developing their county-wide indexes, their growing Sussex Wills Depository and the ability to view original wills on FamilySearch and Ancestry.
Another focus in recent years has been the use of DNA testing to track descendants and further develop the family trees. I used DNA testing for the first time in 2013 to discover a living relative (the common link was back in 1774). Since then a number of branches that emigrated to different countries have been confirmed through DNA matching.
I have also published a number of books and articles available for free download from this site (see Publications).
The Web Site
To start investigating this site I suggest the following:
1. Start with the Introduction menu option and then the Highlights option.
2. Alternatively, simply click on the Pedigree Charts for Ronald Barber or Freda Taylor and navigate from there.
3. For experienced users the Surname Index is a great way to go directly to a person of interest and the Charts menu contains a list of useful charts which focus on different sections of the database. I can easily create descendants charts for users who are researching particular surnames or families, so please ask if this would be helpful.
This site is hosted by FamilyHistoryWA in the hope of long term preservation, and a fee has been paid for it to be hosted by them in perpetuity. However that still depends on renewal of the domain name nynne.org every 10 years. In the event that this is lost, users should contact the webmaster at FamilyHistoryWA in Western Australia and request that the nynne.org address be removed and replaced with www.1699.members.fhwa.org.au which will ensure that the website is available on the internet indefinitely but under this new address. A last resort will be to access a copy of this website at the Internet Archive (www.archive.org) using their Wayback machine, although the content held there may be incomplete (I have little control over this).
I hope you find something of value on this site. Please note that this site does not contain details of people who may still be living.
I will always do my best to help and assist anyone who thinks their family might link to the family trees on this web site, so please feel free to contact me if you discover a link. I am always happy to share information and I always acknowledge people who contribute information to me wherever possible.
This website will always remain a work in progress.

Geoffrey Barber
Perth, Western Australia
Email: ggbarber @ gmail.com
P.S. In researching my paternal line I discovered that in the 1500's my surname was actually Barber alias Nynne, hence the name of this site.
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You may not modify, distribute, reproduce, publish, license, sell, create derivative works from, or remove proprietary rights notices from any materials on these web sites without the express written permission of Geoffrey Barber and/or others mentioned as copyright owners on the relevant web pages. You should assume that all materials on these web sites are the copyrighted materials of Geoffrey Barber and/or others. All rights are reserved.
Further, you may not post material from the site(s) onto another web site (including "Blogs" and "Forums") or on a computer network without permission. You may not use this site or information found at this site for selling or promoting products or services, soliciting clients, or any other commercial purpose. You may not copy information from this site (other than for personal use) by any electronic or other means.