The following publications have resulted from my research into family history.
- Downloads - PDFs of most publications are available here. Copies of most PDFs have also been deposited with the Internet Archive:
Note: Downloads permitted for private use only. All Rights Reserved. (c) Geoffrey Barber.

Manorial Records for Family Historians (2017)
The manorial system, introduced to England and Wales by the Normans, lasted until 1926 and the surviving records can provide wonderful insights into the personal lives of our ancestors. Henry Chandler wrote in 1885 that manorial records "enable us to drop down suddenly on an obscure English village five hundred year ago, and almost to see with our own eyes what the inhabitants are doing".
However, it seems that few genealogists understand manorial records and how the manor operated. The aim of this book is to cut through a complex mix of social and legal history to give family historians the knowledge and confidence to start utilising these records. The rewards are immense.
The book also contains many examples of how records from the manors of Rotherfield in East Sussex and Datchurst alias Hildenborough in Kent were used by the author in his own research.
Published in Australia by Unlock the Past
Published in the UK by My History

Barber alias Nynne - Five Hundred Years of Family History in Rotherfield, Tonbridge and Brighton (2nd Ed., 2019)
This book is the culmination of a journey I started in the early 1980s when I began to explore my family history.
In this book I find the earliest Barber families and discover how they might have lived, putting "flesh on the bones".
The book starts in 1530 in Rotherfield in Sussex moving forward one generation after another to the present day. The amount of historical information discovered for these ordinary lives is quite amazing and I believe that the book serves as a great example of how the combination of church records, manorial records and legal documents can be used to learn about the lives of our ancestors in England in the very early period of the 1500s - 1700s. A second edition (2020) which incorporates some additional research is now available for free download (see above).

History of the Old House (Originally Marden's Farm) in Hildenborough, Kent (2014)
This booklet documents the history of the property now known as the Old House in Hildenborough, Kent, England.
It is a late 15th Century Grade II* listed property indicating that it is of particular importance, with only 8% of listed buildings
being Grade II* or higher. It was originally part of an 18 acre farm known as Marden's Farm and almost certainly the original farm house.
The booklet includes a history timeline, maps, transcriptions of surviving documents and a family tree concerning the Gilpin and
Waite families, both previous owners of the property. John Waite, who inherited the property in 1726, is my 7xgreat grandfather. Available for download (see above).

George Meek's Grandfather (2016)
George Meek (1868-1921) lived a life of poverty in Eastbourne, East Sussex, yet in 1910 he published the book: "George Meek, Bath Chair-Man, By Himself" with the support of famous author and fellow socialist H.G. Wells.
This booklet is about Benjamin Knibbs otherwise Humphries, the grandfather who raised George as a child and is frequently mentioned in the book although not by name (and who is also my 3xgreat grandfather). It provides a comprehensive family background for George Meek and integrates it with the information in his book. A detailed family tree is presented in the appendices along with a transcription of the settlement examination held in 1864 for Benjamin's daughter Rose Hannah which reveals much of the family history. Available for download (see above).

Great Grandmother's Secrets Revealed via DNA (2016)
An article published in the Sussex Family Historian journal in March 2016. The story illustrates the usefulness of the developing area of DNA genealogy. Available for download (see above).

Harriet Gladman's Embroidery (2017)
An article published in "Sussex Past & Present", December 2017 (issue no. 143) published by the Sussex Archaeological Society. The article describes the history behind this embroidery, held in the society's collection and on display at The Priest House in West Hoathly. Available for download (see above).
Extensive research on the Gladmans of East Sussex is published on this website (see Highlights).

The AKEHURST Wills of East Sussex 1541-1858 (2018) - 2nd Edition
A book of transcriptions/abstracts of all the known AKEHURST Wills in East Sussex pre-1858. The book has been published in digital form only (PDF).
The wills in the book have been thoroughly indexed (names, locations, etc) and in addition, each will includes a family tree placing the will in context and showing how other wills are connected. The family trees are based on many years of research using parish records and the information gleaned from these AKEHURST wills. The book is updated from time to time but the current version is always available here. Available for download (see above)
Although the book has comprehensive indexes, being in PDF format it is also fully searchable. Just press CTRL-F and a search box opens. This is a quick way to search for AKEHURST ancestors you may have.

The ALCE/ALSE Wills of East Sussex 1552-1858 (2021)
A book of transcriptions/abstracts of all the known ALCE/ALSE Wills and Admons in East Sussex pre-1858. The book has been published in digital form only (PDF).
The wills in the book have been thoroughly indexed (names, locations, etc) and in addition, each will includes a family tree placing the will in context and showing how other wills are connected. The family trees are based on many years of research using parish records and the information gleaned from these ALCE/ALSE wills. The book is updated from time to time but the current version is always available here. Available for download (see above).
Although the book has comprehensive indexes, being in PDF format it is also fully searchable. Just press CTRL-F and a search box opens. This is a quick way to search for ALCE/ALSE ancestors you may have.

The ASHDOWN Wills of East Sussex 1579-1858 (2020) - updated version 1.01
A book of transcriptions/abstracts of all the known ASHDOWN Wills and Admons in East Sussex pre-1858. The book has been published in digital form only (PDF).
The wills in the book have been thoroughly indexed (names, locations, etc) and in addition, each will includes a family tree placing the will in context and showing how other wills are connected. The family trees are based on many years of research using parish records and the information gleaned from these ASHDOWN wills. The book is updated from time to time but the current version is always available here. Available for download (see above).
Although the book has comprehensive indexes, being in PDF format it is also fully searchable. Just press CTRL-F and a search box opens. This is a quick way to search for ASHDOWN ancestors you may have.

The LATTER Wills of East Sussex 1639-1858 (2020)
A book of transcriptions/abstracts of all the known LATTER Wills and Admons in East Sussex pre-1858. The book has been published in digital form only (PDF).
The wills in the book have been thoroughly indexed (names, locations, etc) and in addition, each will includes a family tree placing the will in context and showing how other wills are connected. The family trees are based on many years of research using parish records and the information gleaned from these LATTER wills. The book is updated from time to time but the current version is always available here. Available for download (see above).
Although the book has comprehensive indexes, being in PDF format it is also fully searchable. Just press CTRL-F and a search box opens. This is a quick way to search for LATTER ancestors you may have.

The BREACH Wills of East Sussex 1548-1858 (2021) - updated version 1.01
A book of transcriptions/abstracts of all the known BREACH/BREECH/BRECH/BREECHER etc Wills and Admons in East Sussex pre-1858. The book has been published in digital form only (PDF).
The wills in the book have been thoroughly indexed (names, locations, etc) and in addition, each will includes a family tree placing the will in context and showing how other wills are connected. The family trees are based on many years of research using parish records and the information gleaned from these BREACH wills. The book is updated from time to time but the current version is always available here. Available for download (see above).
Although the book has comprehensive indexes, being in PDF format it is also fully searchable. Just press CTRL-F and a search box opens. This is a quick way to search for BREACH ancestors you may have.

The FERMOR/FARMER Wills of Rotherfield, East Sussex 1529-1700 (2022)
A book of transcriptions/abstracts of all the known FERMOR/FARMERetc Wills and Admons in Rotherfield, East Sussex up to 1700. The book has been published in digital form only (PDF).
The wills in the book have been thoroughly indexed (names, locations, etc) and in addition, each will includes a family tree placing the will in context and showing how other wills are connected. The family trees are based on many years of research using parish records and the information gleaned from these wills. The book is updated from time to time but the current version is always available here. Available for download (see above).
Although the book has comprehensive indexes, being in PDF format it is also fully searchable. Just press CTRL-F and a search box opens. This is a quick way to search for FERMOR/FARMER ancestors you may have.

Wills and Primogeniture (2018)
The history of the development of wills and testaments from ancient times gives us a greater understanding of the rules and strategies for inheritance that prevailed in the 16th – 19th centuries where most family history research is conducted.
Available for download (see above).

Mary Akehurst (c1635-1691), Early Quaker of Lewes (2019)
Mary Akehurst is one of the interesting characters in East Sussex history. We are fortunate that various episodes of her life as a Quaker were recorded and that wills and other documents exist to give us a good understanding of her family background.
Available for download (see above).

The Secret Life of Hesketh Davis Wells - by Hilary Darque (2019)
This article explores the life of Hesketh Davis Wells who had a long term relationship with Mary Esther Barber with whom he fathered six children but never married. It explains the origins of the Barber family that went to the USA and founded the Barber Shipping Line, becoming very wealthy in the process. This article has been well researched and is published here with Hilary Darque's permission and is available for download (see above).

Benjamin Jeffery 1844-1912 - Life and Letters of an Otago Settler (2020)
Ben Jeffery was born in 1844 in Sussex, England. He started his working life as an agricultural labourer (gardener) and in 1872, at 27 years of age, emigrated alone to New Zealand. Six of his letters to his mother and father survive describing his voyage and first three years in the colony. These letters were doubtlessly kept by his mother Harriet who would have treasured them knowing she was never to see her son again. The letters came to the author in a handkerchief box that had been passed down through the family, a treasured reminder of an uncle who had had the courage to search for a better life but, after a few years of correspondence, was never heard from again.
Ben came to New Zealand under the Brogdens’ immigration scheme in the early 1870s, a short-lived but significant period in New Zealand’s growth as a nation, and consequently his letters are worthy of preservation and publication. His letters and his life story help to bring the history of his time to life. Available for download (see above).

Three BREACH Siblings - 'Removed' (2020)
Three siblings, John, Thomas and Sarah Breach, having lost their mother and their grandmother, and deserted by their father, were removed from Burwash to Lewes St Michael in 1738. Three years later they were separated and apprenticed out at the ages of 12 years, 13 years and 9 years respectively, no longer a burden on the parish. This is their story, and it serves to illustrate the value of the parish records of the Overseers of the Poor.
Available for download (see above).

17th Century Merchant Tokens in Sussex (2022)
Between 1648 and 1672, in response to a chronic shortage of small coinage, over 20,000 merchants in England and Wales issued base metal tokens for farthings, halfpennies and pennies. This article provides and introduction to the merchant tokens issued in Sussex and explains why they are of interest to family historians.
Available for download (see above).

The Six Merchant Tokens Issued at Battle in East Sussex, 1650-70 (2022)
This article presents background and detailed research on the six merchant tokens issued at Battle between 1650 and 1670. These tokens were issued by merchants across England and Wales in response to a chronic shotage of small coinage. It wasn’t until 1672 that the official farthings, halfpennies and pennies that we know today were finally introduced and the issuing of tokens banned.
Available for download (see above).

Margaret Reynolds (1625-1688), Merchant & Early Quaker of Chichester, Sussex (2022)
Margaret REYNOLDS of Chichester was a Quaker widow who issued a halfpenny token in 1667. She was part of a group of Quaker merchants across Sussex who issued tokens at that time. This is her story.
Available for download (see above).

The Earliest Dated Token Issued in Sussex (2023)
The earliest dated 17th century merchant token was issued by Thomas Page of East Grinstead in 1650. This article discusses what we know about Thomas Page and his connections.
Available for download (see above).

A Token of Two Counties - John STRETFEILD of Rotherfield (Sussex) and Tonbridge (Kent) (2023)
This rather unique token was issued in two places in different counties: Rotherfield (REATHERF) in Sussex and Tonbridge (TVNBRIDG) in Kent, as indicated on the token. It is identified in Williamson as Kent BW557 but does not appear in any list of Sussex tokens as it is not generally known that Rotherfield has a token.
Available for download (see above).

The Two 17th Century Merchant Tokens Issued at Henfield, West Sussex: Elizabeth Trunnell (1657) and Thomas Pilfold (1668). (2023)
Two merchant tokens were issued at Henfield in the 17th century. Both merchants were mercers (clothiers) with Elizabeth Trunnell issuing hers in 1657 and Thomas Pilfold in 1668.
Available for download (see above).

Sussex & Kent - 17th Century Tokens - Collectors and their Tickets (2023)
An aid for collectors of 17th century tokens in Sussex and Kent to assist in identifying past collector's envelopes and tickets that often come with individual tokens.
Available for download (see above).

Searching for William Neves (2024)
An article to assist descendants of Dinah Ashdown, who as a widow had an illegitimate child William Neves Cornwell to an unknown father.
Available for download (see above).