- [S28] Will of Elizabeth Nynne als Barber of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, made 12 Sep 1637, proved in the Archdeaconry court of Lewes, 3 Dec 1638. (ESRO: PBT/1/1/25/189).

- [S104] Catharine Pullein, "Rotherfield: The Story of Some Wealden Manors", Courier, First Edition (1928).
- [S105] Survey (map) of land held of the Manor of Rotherfield, "described in the Year 1597 by Richard Allin of Roberstsbridge in Sussex, and new drawn on vellum and collored in the yeare 1664 by John Pattenden of Brenchley in Kent", of the manor of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, 1597 (ESRO: ACC 363/111r).
- [S108] Churchwardens' account book for Rotherfield, 1510-1675. (ESRO: PAR 465/10/3/1).
- [S109] Transcript of the Parish Register of Burwash, Sussex, England, (ESRO: PAR 285/1).
- [S110] M J Burchall ed. "East Sussex Contributors to the relief of Irish Protestants 1642", Sussex Genealogical Centre, Occasional Paper No 10, First Edition (1984).
- [S111] Court Rolls of the manor of Rotherfield, 1587-1631 (ESRO: ACC 2953/86).
- [S112] Will of John Barber als Nynne of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, made 10 Apr 1589, proved in the Archdeaconry court of Lewes, 25 May 1591. (ESRO: PBT 1/1/8/423D).

- [S114] Will of Elizabeth Nyne als Barber of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, made 12 Sep 1637, proved in the Archdeaconry Court at Lewes, 3 Dec 1638. (ESRO: PBT/1/1/25/189).
- [S115] Edwin H W Dunkin ed. "Sussex Record Society Vol 1: Calendar of Sussex Marriage Licences: Archdeaconry of Lewes 1586-1643", Sussex Record Society, First Edition (1901).
- [S116] Transcript of the Parish Register of Ticehurst, Sussex, England, (ESRO: PAR 492/2/1).
- [S118] Transcription of A'Downe/Morley Surrender of Property, 27 Sep 1516. (ESRO SAS AB 395).
- [S119] Transcription of Morley/Nynne Surrender of Property, 11 May 1530. (ESRO: SAS AB 396).
- [S122] Transcript of the Parish Register of Frant, Sussex, England, 1544-1881 (ESRO: PAR 344/1).
- [S123] Transcript of the Bishop's Transcripts of Lewes St Mary Westout, Sussex, England, (ESRO: PAR 411/1).
- [S125] Will of William Heath of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, made 4 Aug 1635, proved in the Archdeaconry court of Lewes, 28 Apr 1636. (ESRO: PBT/1/1/24/84B).
- [S130] Letters of administration of the estate of Richard Nyn of Ticehurst, Sussex, England, granted by the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, 5 May 1603 (ESRO: PBT 1/3/3/17F).
- [S135] Will of Edmund Latter of Tonbridge, Kent, England, made 20 Jan 1654, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 2 Jan 1656. (TNA: PROB 11/261/251).

- [S139] Sussex Archaeological Society ed. "Sussex Archaeological Collections, Vol 41", Sussex Archaeological Society, First Edition (1898).
- [S248] Website "Rootsweb.ancestry.com Web Site" (http://rootsweb.ancestry.com/).
- [S275] Will of Thomas Wickens of Keymer, Sussex, England, made 18 Jul 1710, proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, 31 Mar 1722. (ESRO: PBT 1/1/51/101A).
- [S279] Transcript of the Parish Register of Keymer, Sussex, England, 1601 - 1812 (ESRO: WST/6/3).
- [S280] R F Hunnisett, "Sussex Coroners' Inquests 1558-1603", PRO Publications, First Edition (1996).
- [S335] Catharine Pullein's notebook from the box file marked "Pullein" in the Working Papers Room at the Sussex Archaeological Society's Barbican Library in Lewes, East Sussex., c1925. (unknown document ref).
- [S362] Letters of administration of the estate of Mary Barber of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, granted by the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, 1635 (ESRO: W/B6/219).
- [S394] Baptisms, Marriages & Burials of Keymer, Sussex, England, to 1857 (ESRO: PAR 407/1).
- [S433] Indexed translation of a court book of the manor of Rotherfield, 1444-1457, 1458 and 1546 (ESRO: PAR 465/26/1/1).
- [S438] Roland B Harris, "Rotherfield Historical Character Assessment Report 2008 (Sussex Extensive Urban Survey Project)", Wealden District Council, First Edition (June 2008).
- [S440] Indexed translation of a court book of the manor of Rotherfield, 1557-1560 (ESRO: PAR 465/26/1/2).
- [S441] Indexed translation of a court book of the manor of Rotherfield, 1587-1593 (ESRO: PAR 465/26/1/3).
- [S443] Rotherfield St Denys, Burials and MIs, undated, Rotherfield, Sussex (http://www.stdenysrotherfield.org.uk/familyhistory.htm).
- [S447] Webpage "St Denys, Rotherfield" (http://www.stdenysrotherfield.org.uk/stdenyshistory.htm).
- [S451] Indexed translation of a court book of the manor of Rotherfield, 1593-1606 (ESRO: PAR 465/26/1/4).
- [S464] Indexed translation of a court book of the manor of Rotherfield, 1631-1724 (ESRO: PAR 465/26/1/6).
- [S469] Death certificate of William Everett, died 6 Jan 1875, registered 9 Jan 1875 in the Registration District of Chesterton, Cambridge, England (GRO Index Ref: Vol 3b Page 387).

- [S470] Death certificate of Dinah Everett, died 28 Jan 1875, registered 1 Feb 1875 in the Registration District of Chesterton, Cambridge, England (GRO Index Ref: Vol 3b Page 389).

- [S533] Webpage "Sussex Subsidy of 1327: The rape of Pevensey', The three earliest subsidies for the county of Sussex: 1296, 1327, 1332 (1910)" (http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=65854).
- [S572] R. Garraway Rice & edited by Walter H. Godfrey, "Transcript of Sussex Wills, Vol IV: Racton to Yapton", Sussex Record Society (online), First Edition (1940).
- [S586] Will of John Fermar of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, made 13 Oct 1558, proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, 20 Mar 1558/59. (ESRO: PBT 1/1/4/305A).
- [S590] Release Declaration, Samuel Theobold-Ann Barber 1670/71 (Collection of the solicitors Messrs. Walker, Templer and Thomson of Tonbridge), 24 Jan 1670/71. (KHLC: TU1/M2/1).

- [S660] Will of Margaret Farmer of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, made 12 Mar 1591/92, proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, 15 Oct 1593. (ESRO: PBT 1/1/9/219A).
- [S664] Letters of administration of the estate of William A'Downes of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, granted by the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, 21 Jan 1581 (ESRO: PBT 1/3/1/93E).

- [S665] Will of John Downe of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, made 17 Nov 1600, proved in the Archdeaconry court of Lewes, 17 Dec 1600. (ESRO: PBT/1/1/11/61B).
- [S671] Letters of administration of the estate of Edward Downe of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, granted by the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, 24 Sep 1625 (ESRO: PBT 1/3/5/221C).
- [S819] Will of John Wickens of Keymer, Sussex, England, made 2 Feb 1758, proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, 3 May 1758. (ESRO: PBT/1/1/59/670).
- [S830] Will of William Latter of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, made 15 Mar 1639/40, proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, unknown probate date. (ESRO: PBT 1/6/98).
- [S1025] Marriage certificate of Jane Burt and James Boyes Brownsmith Chaplin, married 21 Jun 1851 in the Registration District of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (GRO Index Ref: Vol 1 Page 89).

- [S1026] Death certificate of Jane Burt, died 26 Mar 1895, registered 1895 in the Registration District of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

- [S1051] Will of John Lockyer of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, made 30 Nov 1628, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 14 Jan 1628/29. (TNA: PROB 11/155/27).
- [S1155] Letters of administration of the estate of Thomas Farmer of Rotherfield, Sussex, England, granted by the Archdeaconry Court of Lewes, 25 May 1591 (ESRO: PBT 1/3/2/119B).